I Wish I May, I Wish I Might (I'll have this Donna Karan Tote when My Pockets get Right!)
Leo and BeholdLet's pretend I won the lottery, had a visit from my fairy godparent (he or she's out there somewhere, I just know it) or found some other way into a whole lotta chedda. If said fantasy were to come true, please believe a MAJOR shopping spree would be very close to the top of my to-do list. 'Til that happens, let's play a little game of "that's my bag."
StyleScrybe's birthday is quickly approaching, and while it's not time for cake and candles yet I'm already closing my eyes and making wishes. One such wish is that some benevolent soul will buy me the oh-so-timeless Modern Leo Large Tote by Donna Karan (or pay me enough to buy it myself). It's neither trendy nor headed for "it-bag-dom", but it's classic, stylish and durable... the kind of thing that may last longer than most first marriages (another wish on my list). The $1895 price tag is about as hefty as the bag will be once filled with shoes, notebooks and makeup, but the hand crafting and sturdy shrunken lamb leather make it well worth the price.
If you'd like to contribute to the birthday bag fund, please holla at a sista and let me know where to send the collection envelope. Until then, keep an eye out for me at traffic lights with a squeegee.
Wish I could buy that bag for your bday Stylecrybe! May many wishes come true and blessings come your way this year.
Love you!
Sherri Y
such a cute bag, i hope you get it!
xoxo jaimie
don't forget to check out my new contest!
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