Monday, February 4, 2008

Five, Six, Pick Up... (Time to Barack & Poll!)

Yep, in the Right Tee!

StyleScrybe is scratching her head... Howcom
e the political group they call "the right" seems to get it all so wrong? Don't answer that... I just wanted to make you go "hmmm." Anyway, in honor of Super Tuesday, StyleScrybe has decided to give you a little guidance as you head to the polls. I can't tell you which Democratic candidate to vote for, but I am absolutely compelled to make a wardrobe suggestion or two (wink, wink). Here are five tees I found that express the "right" mind state for election '08. You won't get them before you cast your vote if you order online, but I'm sure they'll be appropriate until November. I was right about the Superbowl (Go Big Blue!), so you can quote me on the elections too...

This time, the shirts aren't divided into categories (because Barack Obama's all about unity).

Oooooh... Light bulb moment... Somebody should make a tee that says "B.O. knows politics"

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