Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Wish I May, I Wish I Might: Luis Morais Small Locket Om Necklace


On My Om…

Luis Morais Om NecklaceI’ve been in a bit of a funk lately. I’m a freelancer/ self employed individual, and business has been a little slow. As any creative will tell you, such lulls can lead to all types of sour moods. That’s why it’s imperative to have a few guardian angels in your corner who will wrestle you out of your slump. My most recent relief came in the form of a treat to a week of Bikram Yoga. Last night was my first session; an hour and a half of smelly, strenuous, splendid self exploration. I survived! (Apparently, I did pretty darn good for a newbie, too.) Now that I’m feeling all triumphant, and centered, I think I need a memento to help me find my chi should it wander back into the abyss of financial/ social woes. This Luis Morais Small Locket Om Necklace makes the perfect such trinket, no? Open what looks like a simple little gold box on a chain to reveal an “Om” symbol (that calming, meditative sound that assists many in finding inner peace and harmony). You can even put a tiny picture in there of something else calming… like… shoes. The reason I don’t already have it: the $1,470 price tag. For many, that’s not much. For me, though, well just refer to the beginning of this post. However, I do have a birthday quickly approaching, and I’d be incredibly happy if some benevolent soul saw fit to hit Aloha Rag make this mine.

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