Birthday Specs
In case you didn't know, yours truly has a birthday approaching (very rapidly, and NO I won't tell how many candles should be on the cake). I know, now you're wondering what to get me. Don't fret, pets. You know StyleScrybe is always thinkin' of ya, so most of this week's posts will be dedicated to my birthday wishlist. First up: pink BluBlockers (yeah... the ones from the infomercials). I'm not as concerned about their supposed ability to "let you see sharper, clearer and with less distortion" as I am about their funky look. Plastic aviators? Timeless! And can you GET any girlier than bubble gum pink? (read that last sentence again, and say it like Chandler from "Friends.") Yep! feel free to send these my way, and since they're only $38, you can throw in another too. Oh... um... not to be a pain, but they're limited edition, so if you could get on that before they run out, it'd be great. THANKS!